Council Memorial Wall


Image of Rebecca Behrens

Rebecca Behrens


Rebecca Behrens started her working career at Ohio’s Lakewood Community College in the library. She then moved on to the library at Diamond Shamrock. In 1988 she earned her BA from Cleveland State University and after graduation formed the library at the Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing Program. Here she was fascinated by the opportunity to write company newsletters where she wrote about competition’s activities. The intrigued her to join SCIP and she co-founded the Northeast Ohio SCIP Chapter. This led her to being asked to join Ernst & Young (E&Y) as the leader and builder of their CI initiative. Read more…

Image of Michael Belkine

Michael Belkine

Michael Belkine had a nearly 30-year career in intelligence and security in both in field and staff roles beginning in 1963 Israel. This led to his continuing interest in the theory and practice of intelligence discipline in national and business applications. Read more…

Bonnie Hohhof

For over three decades, Bonnie was widely recognized as an expert in the design, development, and implementation of competitive intelligence operations in the private sector. Her experience in intelligence includes the Corporate Strategy Offices of both Motorola and Ameritech (AT&T/SBC), as well as serving as SCIP’s CI Information and Research Director for 11 years between 2002-13. She was an established author on trade shows and technical intelligence, intelligence ethics, competitive information systems, and starting a competitive intelligence functions. Read more…

Image of Vernon Prior

Vernon Prior


Vernon Prior gained early exposure to intelligence in the military, both in the air and on the ground in the UK Royal Air Force. After leaving military service, he took an early commercial assignment in the UK with a defense contractor, after which he moved to Australia through a variety of government and academic positions where he began writing and publishing directories and tools to assist researchers by enabling them to use a form of Boolean indexing to facilitate their work. In his spare time, he wrote and published a basic textbook for beginners entitled “Smart Company: Finding and Managing Business Intelligence ‘” in 1991. Most of its users operated without a computer at the time. Read more…

John McGonagle 1944-2024 More information will follow soon.
Bill (William) DeGenaro

More information will follow soon.

Industry Influencers

Gary Lim

Gary Lim was a major influencer for decades in the global CI marketplace. He was among the globe’s leaders in helping Western companies develop their businesses in Asian markets. Services he and his colleagues provided included cross-cultural and business coaching, market studies, market entry strategy, marketing strategy, marketing intelligence, search for distributors and business partners, training, and more. He was a very experienced marketer in China and Southeast Asia. His expertise was drawn upon by the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), an association he took much pride in. Read more…

Carolyn Vella


Carolyn trained and worked as a psychiatric R.N. in Washington, DC, while taking philosophy courses. After her marriage, she created The Helicon Group, a global competitive intelligence, research, analysis, and training firm. While Founding Partner, she co-authored 10 books on competitive intelligence, including Outsmarting the Competition: Practical Approaches to Finding and Using Competitive Information (1990). Read more…